Wah! I tell you hor, it’s great to be back! I’ve been so so MIA because my laptop broke down, my adorable, beautiful, minimalistic IBM X40…DOWN….I almost cried! My heartache sooooo bad!!! I kept thinking die already, it’s never coming back, how can I ever recover from the shock of paying 3.5K for it? UP FRONT??!!
But like all hysterics, this came and went, especially after some deep-soul searching about the Materialism of Life and Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. An aside here: Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia was voted No. 1 flavor in the US of A! Have u checked their website? Gosh! Why haven’t you??!! Have you no LIFE??!! Go! NOW!
Anyway, my laptop is now being lovingly caressed and tickled by me soft fingers right now….everything’s A-ok, my dearie, you shall never be abused for more than 2 hours of loving and using before a breather is due, I swear….*smooch smooch sounds*
The thing is…while my darling lappy is under the knife (who’s that cute little pretty boy, yea yea? You are, dearie, you are!). So many things have happened! So many things I wanted to write about. I went through the 2 weeks like a fast-forward soap opera, every human emotion I’ve felt….I could really have written so much!
I could have written, mostly, what the greater part my emotions were spent on….feeling pissed with a colleague of mine. It’s no big deal to admit that prior to writing this sentence, I’ve managed to whipped out close to a full page of hurt and grievances all directed at her, from her, for her. But the more I wrote, the more angry I got, until it was so bad, I started forgetting my vow and began to thump my Lappy’s keys in disregard again.
So…after a moment of calming down and another half-pint of Wall’s Chocolate (you may think it’s lower classed, but food is food, there is no discrimination except when it’s going rotten), I deleted everything and started all over with a lighter touch. Talking about that bitch is just gonna make me fume and increase my blood pressure and thus, increase the risk of heart attack. I’ll not give somebody the satisfaction of sending me early to my grave.
In fact, today, I shall talk about another cutesy animation, which I absolutely adore and which can be really really entertaining. The Happy Tree Friends!!!! Such beautiful blend of pastel colours! Such adorable drawings of furry fuzzy animals! And super cute theme song!
But like all hysterics, this came and went, especially after some deep-soul searching about the Materialism of Life and Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. An aside here: Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia was voted No. 1 flavor in the US of A! Have u checked their website? Gosh! Why haven’t you??!! Have you no LIFE??!! Go! NOW!
Anyway, my laptop is now being lovingly caressed and tickled by me soft fingers right now….everything’s A-ok, my dearie, you shall never be abused for more than 2 hours of loving and using before a breather is due, I swear….*smooch smooch sounds*
The thing is…while my darling lappy is under the knife (who’s that cute little pretty boy, yea yea? You are, dearie, you are!). So many things have happened! So many things I wanted to write about. I went through the 2 weeks like a fast-forward soap opera, every human emotion I’ve felt….I could really have written so much!
I could have written, mostly, what the greater part my emotions were spent on….feeling pissed with a colleague of mine. It’s no big deal to admit that prior to writing this sentence, I’ve managed to whipped out close to a full page of hurt and grievances all directed at her, from her, for her. But the more I wrote, the more angry I got, until it was so bad, I started forgetting my vow and began to thump my Lappy’s keys in disregard again.
So…after a moment of calming down and another half-pint of Wall’s Chocolate (you may think it’s lower classed, but food is food, there is no discrimination except when it’s going rotten), I deleted everything and started all over with a lighter touch. Talking about that bitch is just gonna make me fume and increase my blood pressure and thus, increase the risk of heart attack. I’ll not give somebody the satisfaction of sending me early to my grave.
In fact, today, I shall talk about another cutesy animation, which I absolutely adore and which can be really really entertaining. The Happy Tree Friends!!!! Such beautiful blend of pastel colours! Such adorable drawings of furry fuzzy animals! And super cute theme song!
This is their calendar download! See? What i tell you? So cute and pink and furry, rite? Awww...I could just gush about the colours and te characters the whole day!
OK, I know some of you out there are starting to puke. I get it I get it. Can't stand pink, ya? Can't look at slurping little puppies, ya? So cute fuzzy and furry creatures annoy you, ya? Think about this: Do i, Moi, Me strike you as someone that goes all moony over Blue's Clues or Hi-Five or the colour pink? oh pls lah! the reason I love my Happy tree Friends? Why, they have the ability to give me an adrenaline fix.... A cut above all others, above other hum-drum-dee-doo-dah blue puppy is my Happy Tree Friends. Why HTF? Scroll down for why....
Sure you're ready? Ok, you asked for it.....
ahahaha......Get my drift? Blood and gore, ppl! This is a mature content website! Believe it! it's actually harder to get a picture that is even remotely modest, because it's pretty normal for them furry animal to look more like roadkill. Which is why the following used to be my favourite picture in my Laptop. Very cute leh.... the colours also matched so nicely with my Sherman's lagoon icons, so I put it as my wall paper.
Of cos, loves can change pretty fast, very soon after, Mondo Chick, the creative bunch behind HTF, made another...that soon became my favourite too....
So sweet huh? the rite shade of purple can really do wonder to me, everytime I switch on my PC, I also learn about safety-first also. what more can you ask for?......if you aren't that sure about them being able to lift your spirits, there are many many animation episodes for you to get more acquianted with them.
After a while, you'll start to feel nauseous...it's ok, perfectly understandable. I only watch when i'm upset. if you wish to really up that Gory Factor, go watch Eye Candy...I guarantee a trip to the bathroom and really bad goosebumps for 4 hours. But as I've said millions of times: Like a bad car accident happeining before your eyes, you're gonna finish watching it anyway. that's the beauty of Happy Tree Friends. They can glue your eyes to the screen...
I shall leave you here with another calendar pic. It's really not that gory already, u know? The real 'grossistude' comes from watching them fall all over (and i do mean all over) after being hit by plain bad-luck, and some well-placed weapons, like a lollipop. After watching a few episodes…and of cos imagining certain victims to be that colleague, I’ve really come to truly appreciate the animation to no end. I’ve also achieved the enlightenment to actually feel pretty light-hearted and happy once again. In fact, I think it's actually quite sad for her to be placed on my pet list of hates, afterall, I don’t think anyone actually deserves to be thought of as an Unfortunate Happy Tree Friend. Since That colleague wears specs and has a huge nose, I watched quite a few of Snouty’s escapades….pls do so too! if you like you can even download their theme song into MP3 just to irritate your friends!
Oh yes, this site is a super gem, so pls either support it or ignore it, don't go and argue crap about violent content or something and petition it to be scrapped. It's the internet, you can find advertisements for willing candidates for cannibalism here, so don't be such a wuss. The world is pretty violent already, running down HTF isn't gonna make it better. in fact, watching HFT made me refrain from anger dis-managemnt at that colleague, so she's benefiting from it.

Happy watching and happy puking, ppl!
AKK out.
wah lao eh.. its entertaining, sure, but i think only you and tj can appreciate them.
keep up the blogging tho. great job!
hmm...funny, I thought losing yourself in WWW is being cut off from the world...You are at the extreme end, friend, welcome... :)
Thanks for writing your name down. It really helped. :) What you mean only me and tj? what about D? or even *gasp* johnny?!
i'm just wondering, will you always read the comments? even if i post it in some article posted last month?
I do. I shall admit that I get very excited seeing comments....I aspire to be those blogs that can hit 20 comments per article. but of cos, I'm not that good at all, so seeing just 1 can make me fly up the wall.... oh, it rhymes. :)
i shall help u then.
Ah Hock,
Glad you are enjoying Happy Tree Friends, my favorite characters depend largely on who i currently dislike. Thankfully, I didn't dislike much ppl...
I think this will be forever my only laptop....I'm still in the red and haven't recovered fom the financial setbk of owning it. No regrets...can do lotsa stuff with...
I love Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey! I don't think Cherry Garcia tastes as good. :)
to RPK,
Chunky monkey? I've got something against banana flavored ice cream leh. try chubby hubby!
Thanks for writing! i shall be visiting you blog!
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