Z shall now represent universally all the frens who are
I deserved to go heaven.
He is now nursing his palm back to health and shall not be typing anytime soon, so I'm striking while the iron's still hot...
Z just ate an oyster omelette for lunch before going online to chat with AKK.
Z: Oy! Fren! Guess what I just ate?! Orr luat!!!
AKK: Wahhhh! Was it good?
Z: Damn fantastic! Very fresh oysters, all small like 5 cent coin, spread all over the egg…like heaven…
AKK: Damn, poor me now chomping on bao for lunch.
Z: What type of bao?
AKK: pork bao.
Ruo baos!!!
Z: How many you have?
AKK: *happily munching* Liang ke rou bao!
AKK: Xiao Bao!
Z: so.....
Z: .....Left one or right one?
AKK: -__-*
Z having expresso and a pie while on MSN with AKK...
Z: AAaaaaaHHHH......kopi and pecan pie!
AK: arrgghhh!! pecan pie!!!
Z: what what?!
AKK: i ....like.....pecan ....pie...
Z: Me too! my second fave nut
AKK: oh yah, you and your no. 1 walnuts...
AKK: ohhhh..that came out all wrong...
Z: hahahaa.... those no walnuts, those olives....
AKK: hah?!!!
AKK: WaHahahaahahahah! Good joke good joke….
Z:....Er…..no joke….
AKK: er............
Z: Where got so big like walnuts one?

Z's fav nuts...
AKK: er.........got so small like Olives meh…kanna chees leh....
AKK: Just in case hor! what the hell are we talking abt??!!
Z: ..........my nuts…….
AKK: *left eyelid twitching*
Z: -__-"
AKK: hahahahahaahahah……………*fell off chair*
Z: well i guess it's only fair that we were taking about your baos earlier….
AKK: *crawled back*…....hahhahaahhaahhaa……..
AKK: Wah lau! My eyelid really twitched siah!
AKK: but but...
AKK: i must be very sure on this point...
AKK: Kanna Chees??!!! no kidding?!
Z: not those small small ones u find in ur martini lah... the bigger ones...
Z: *cough*Extra Virgin Olive Oil*cough*....
AKK: can...can.... can I have dimensions?!
AKK: Muahhahahaahahahahaha.......
Z: Hahahahaha....
Z: No.
AKK: No?
Z: No.
AKK: Damn!

Z's real nuts.......
Z is having a nice cuppa with AKK at a trendy tea-spot in HV.
AKK: hey hey! I have some good news to tell you!
Z: *sipping tea* yea, what?
AKK: Dun sip the tea, it's really quite a big piece of news!
Z: ok ok, *puts down tea*, tell me tell me!
AKK: I've....
Z: yes...?
AKK: I've.....got a BOYFREN!!
Z: .............
AKK: how come u no fan ying one? U not happy for me meh?
Z: *deadpan* Eh...I am I am....
AKK: then do something lah! Say something!....
Z: *eye big big*...like wat?
AKK: *big gusty sigh*...at least some reaction, can?!
Z: *looks around*... got lah! ....*looks around again and starts grinning*
AKK: *eyes narrowed suspiciously* I know that look, it's the 'dirty-joke-coming' look....I dun wan to know what
Z: I'm telling you anyway...
AKK: *agitated whisper* SShhh SShhhh....no.... no...no erection jokes....
Z: *takes deep breath*.....No, you ask me, so I must answer!.....my!..........
AKK: Nooooooo...*whacking Z repeatedly on the head*.....
Z: *amid AKK's flailing arms to shut his mouth*....my!.....Big!...
AKK: Nooooo....shut up shut up!!
Z:.......toe!... cramping in happiness for u!!

Got reaction meh?

AKK: huh?
Z: my Big Toe!!! what were you thinking?
AKK: er...nothing...nothing...*blush*
Z: *wriggling his left big toe suggestively at me and starts grinning again....* Incidentally, did i tell you i call this pinky here 'Rooster'?
AKK: -__-''
oh well, that's it for today then. Hope you guys enjoy this. Hopefully, there's more where this comes from, hehehehe...(then i just cut/paste can liao....)
Something unrelated, AKK. Bad news too. I know you read Dr BL Og. Unfortunately, it is the latest victim of blog death. *Sigh* I just found out myself.
Guys forever so "hum sup" one lah, must forgive them!
Hahahahah.. Lynne, I think Akk's also quite hum sup. Big toes and olives. But not bad la Akk, having this kind of friend brightens up my day.
Hahaa... A good and funny buddy you have! =)
lol! your friend Z likes nuts ah?
*wriggles eyebrows suggestively*
aiyoh why u all talk in codes wan? i need more explicit details! too cheem!
Z oughta be EVERY girl's best friend and their boyfriends'FOE. Haa...But funny lah...Got friend like Z, life will never be stressful...Haa... =D
AKK... very funny ler.... geez, just like reading erotica, ha he hee hee..... surely with Z, you would not lead a boring life....
*sobz* damn sad! i just started reading and appreciating him...
hahaha...ya lah, that's the nice thing about them...fodder material for blog...
hahahaha...how well u know me. I admit! I'm pretty R(A) myself.
actually, there are 2 buddies being featured here, just that i lump both under the letter 'z' so dun have too many abbrev...
hey, gal! heard u are back but sick! awww...poor thing! :)
too cheem for u? cannot be lah!!! One of the Z is Ham Chee Paeng hor! hehehe...another code.
hmm...i guess the stress is keeping both the fren and the BF apart? hahahahha......
Z is a universal representation of my frens, so in actually fact, it's not just one person being featured here. In fact, this entery has got 2 different frens being described. :)
yeah. im back!
im gonna force mr b to go out soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wah raoz!! Bor swee lah....
I have to share "Z" with another person?
You think Ah Beng sales demonstrator outside NTUC selling electric wok issit? Buy one get one free har?
- Orleegeener Z
Wah raoz!! Bor swee lah....
I have to share "Z" with another person?
You think Ah Beng sales demonstrator outside NTUC selling electric wok issit? Buy one get one free har?
- Orleegeener Z
Walau, the jokes are like damn cold ok? Muahaha... I LIKE!
Good one!!!
wah lau...dun stress him siah...hehehe...i worry for him..hhaha..
Orleegeener Z:
hahahaha....wah lau, was hoping ur hand dun heal so fast! wah...sulking ah? big boy like you pretend pretend he in HK soap...K lor...next time put Z1 and Z2 lor, machiam like Bananas-In-Pyjamas...or how abt ur real name?? heheeh......can sian more charbors this way.
har? wat's a cold joke? i heard of lame, funny, stupid, pussy, hilarious etc etc...but never knew what a 'cold' joke is....explain! :)
Oh yah, there's more when these came from, actually.
heheheh....kam siah...:)
Hahaha. Your friends are hiliarious. You should come up with stuff like this. =)
Walau, you damn ang mo lor! Cold jokes are 'leng xiao hua' lah, aka lame jokes.... Tsk tsk... need to send you for some re-education, keke ;)....
boh weh kong! Z is the best!
If Z is reading this now, he'd be going 'hur hur hur...' :)
Orh! hahaha...sorry lor, I very kantang one! :) thanks for the reply! :)
hehehe...Z is currently 2 different person. but yah, both are pretty funny.:)
hey... u and ur friend ar... damn funny! lol
Apologies for another interruption. Dr BL Og is back. *Big Grin*
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