Hi all!!!
I promised an NDP preview blog! here it is! i admit this is late, but hell, u'll forgive me in the end....
I went to the NDP preview with A. Both of us are virgins.......NDP virgins, I mean (hahaha…what were u thinking ay? AY??!!). For all those years that he worked in the SAF, he’s only ever had the NDP preview tickets twice in his Life. 1st time was last year, which he told me he gave to the sweet cleaner aunty to go with her uncle.
Why? Becos he didn’t have anyone to go with.........
....Oh gosh......can somebody find me a hammer to whack this guy? Who cares about having somebody beside them at the NDP grounds when so many exciting things are happening right in front at the stage??!!

The sea of Red Patriots!
So when I knew he had the tickets, I shamelessly invited myself along by telling him I want to go. For a moment there, he was quite astounded that I’m so straightforward, until I continued,
‘If u dun wan to go with me and dun wan to go yourself.....Can u pass me both tickets?’
I’m so bad lor........But I never ever had the chance to watch NDP live with my very own eyes leh. Once I was involved in the proceedings all dressed as an uprooted carrot (no kidding......), but we were always asked to squat outside the padang until it’s time for us to run in and jiggle, so I never truly saw the whole event unfolding...........
I promised an NDP preview blog! here it is! i admit this is late, but hell, u'll forgive me in the end....
I went to the NDP preview with A. Both of us are virgins.......NDP virgins, I mean (hahaha…what were u thinking ay? AY??!!). For all those years that he worked in the SAF, he’s only ever had the NDP preview tickets twice in his Life. 1st time was last year, which he told me he gave to the sweet cleaner aunty to go with her uncle.
Why? Becos he didn’t have anyone to go with.........
....Oh gosh......can somebody find me a hammer to whack this guy? Who cares about having somebody beside them at the NDP grounds when so many exciting things are happening right in front at the stage??!!

The sea of Red Patriots!
So when I knew he had the tickets, I shamelessly invited myself along by telling him I want to go. For a moment there, he was quite astounded that I’m so straightforward, until I continued,
‘If u dun wan to go with me and dun wan to go yourself.....Can u pass me both tickets?’
I’m so bad lor........But I never ever had the chance to watch NDP live with my very own eyes leh. Once I was involved in the proceedings all dressed as an uprooted carrot (no kidding......), but we were always asked to squat outside the padang until it’s time for us to run in and jiggle, so I never truly saw the whole event unfolding...........
So this time, I open my piggy eyes big-big.
The things I see:
a) This pimply young man all dressed in white shirt, white pants and brown belt (PAP get-up!) appeared at the top of the stairs of the VIP area and walked down, pretending to be the PM during a ‘simulation’. It was clear he was embarrassed becos Gurmit Singh kept referring to him as PM Goh.
It was also clear that he was badly tekan-ed for the job becos he looked a bit lost. Another young guy simulated the entrance of the MPs. This one obviously volunteered himself to appear on National TV, becos he walked to his supposed seat while waving to the crowd like the Queen..........
b) During the inspection, 1 navy SAF personnel who had been standing on attention just dropped onto the tarmac face-first and zonked out. Medics rushed from 2 entrances and carted him off in front of the Parliament Speaker..........
c) The tarmac they placed over the padang was wet with the rain........so actually, the participants were slipping and sliding all over the wet floor. One lad dressed as a flower tripped and created a slight domino effect becos he was the first person running into the padang and being a flower in full bloom, was ‘spread’ very widely.
So we saw a row of big flowers go down in a small heap over each other.
We also saw one model bird do a nose-dive when his man-holder fell, so the pole was snapped into 2 and he had to finish the dance with his birdie at half mast from everyone else’s. (eh...........sounds a hell lot worse written down......)
d) We saw a bunch of little sec school kids dressed as bunnies running across the padang. Since it’s a bunny suit, u can imagine that thing got no road holding, so they kinda tumble over each other also....it’s very cute and disturbing to see at the same time......
e) The fireworks.........enough said.

Endless Fireworks...
Half-way between the fireworks, A turned and shouted something to me. Since I was busy doing the following things .......
- mouth-gaping
- eye open big big
- neck craning at the sky
- screaming and cheering with each burst of fireworks.
Obviously I wasn’t listening...........I just went ‘Yayyyy!!!!’ and ‘Woohoooo!!!!!’ and Screamed (!!!) Every time the sky bursts in hundred different colours. So he shouted again and we kinda went back and forth for a while.........
‘Will u.........be.........’
‘Huh?! Oh look! Big pink flower in the sky!!!!! Yayyyy!!!!!!!’
‘I said!..........be............?’
‘OOOhhhhhh!!!! See that?!! See that?!!! So pretty!!!!! Green!!!!’ *scream*

the green fireworks....
Then I guess A got a bit exasperated with the whole padang for the screaming patriots (me included), so he turn back to face the fireworks and suddenly, I felt his fingers gliding onto my palm (the one not frantically waving the flag).
I froze and looked at him........
Knowing he finally had my full attention, he turned to me and grinned.
And squeezed my hand in his.
And in the midst of all the ongoing fireworks and the cheering, my world went slow-mo, like it does when something important is going to happen............i cannot hear him, but I see his lips mouth the words..........
.......Will.......... you............. be.........mine............?
As suddenly as it slowed, Sound rushed back again in a whoosh.....I turned to see if anyone else had notice that Matrix-moment, but the crowd was cheering on and the fireworks kept going. Only A and me had been trapped momentarily in a silent world..........
His eyes locked mine and held my gaze back. I felt his cool palm grip more tightly.
I could feel my face lit up in bright red blush of heat at my sudden shyness and inability to speak. I let the moment run a while longer than was necessary.........in the absence of an answer, he suddenly seemed less sure. At the same time, I can see his neck colouring up like me......
1st time I saw the fireworks burst this close to my face.....
1st time I watch the para-troopers churn the sky directly above my head......
1st time I was caught with hitherto-unfounded bashfulness.....
1st time I saw A so uncertain......
It was a day of many revelations.
Then I see his eyes begin to slide away.............I felt his palm loosen............
During times of stress, sometimes the body takes over because the brain refuses to function. Whatever it was that made my brain stopper my mouth, I did not know, but in that instant his hand slid away, my body decided to free its restraints............
I reached over to grasp his escaping hand and with my other hand (still holding the flag), I palmed his face back to me............
You cannot let one guy do all the work just becos you are a girl................
I held his face close to me and kissed him at the corner of his surprised mouth........
Sometimes a gal just has to take the initiative........
..............And make a grab for happiness with her own 2 hands.
You go girl!!! Yaaay!!!
ACTIONS at last!!! I'm actually grinning like mad at the comp for you!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. you are sweet!! and brave! and sweet!!
That's so sweet. Sounds exactly like a scene from a movie. I'm happy for you! :)
Corner of his mouth???
Alamak girl. You need to take aiming lessons..
More practice. MORE PRACTICE!! MORE!! :P
veri sweet entry... love is in the air~
wah... so lomantic. Heheh. First kiss to him is under fireworks leh, how to beat that.
wow! u blew me away with wat was supposed to be juz a Preview of the NDP to such a sweet story. Congrats!
Silent reader Vi
hahaha. SO happy for u.
Now I am even more determined for my end of the month boyfriend.
u r really brave leh to take the opportunity also.
wah lau....very fast response! thanks!
grinning? funny, when i read ur blog, i also grinning, hehhehe....mutual leh...thanks!
i take it ur exam over siah? good good! relax liao!
i not brave, i think A is braver...:)
I also know! so drama hor! *weeps* the beauty of the moment....
kam siah! i now all green light liao...
thank u thank u! OMB OMB OMB!!! hehehhehe....
a small universe? wah...cheem..u mean like alternate reality??
eheheh...too soon to talk about 'love' yet....i shall take it slow slow like turtles. :)
yah hor! u never say i never notice, I gave him our first kiss! :) yayyy! hahahha....
thanks for commenting! got blown away? me too! *chuckle*
be brave also! I meditate for u! u are young and opportunities are abound! take a step forward! but I say lah, if dun wish for it, will come sooner than expected! :)
Awwwwwwwww...The beginning of a wonderful fairytale....
wah lao.. this is super mushy stuff man! i'm getting goose pimples all over my skin. eeeewwww...
and a little correction: "... and make a grab for happiness with her own 2 hands (and lips)"
Wow, this year's NDP must be the most memorable one! Good for you :)
wah lau! hhhaah...thanks lah, i feel very extremely xing fu, yes! but then, it's just the beginning! we shall see leh! but of cos, I've got to keep my hopes high high and take a chance ya?
thanks for popping by! ur whole class? eh...*blush*... heeheheh...thanks for the gong xi-ing! I shall try my best to make good this relationship. :)
i sincerely hope so!
mushy? heheheheh.....maybe u sound blog abt u and ur own gal also, i bet that one even mushier...:)
hahah....definitely memorable....yaya...very good for me!
Trivial triflings of a shy kisser of a lab rat, perhaps?
WAH! So super fairytale like... *swoon* You lucky, lucky gal you!
What incredible inner fireworks there must've been too. ;-)
soooooo sweeeeet!!!!
congrats congrats! *hugs*
ah 9:
er...haaahah... dun scold dun scold...:) relac relac, grab happiness, yes, i know. :)
eh...i kiss the lab rat or A kiss the lab rat? I should be the lab rat...:)
I think internally, i was feeling pretty scared when he was about to draw away. heng i did something...:) I'm proud to say that I did it. :) by myself!
hey, thank u for the well-wishing, gal! *hugz back*
Hey girl...
Seems fireworks were all over the place at the Padang :)
Happy that you didnot kill off the dude with a big razor-sharp stare of yours...bold but sensitive reaction...quite rare stuffs from typical Sg girls :P
Curious to know...the 'off-target' kiss was for the tickets or for the moment you guys shared or just not to spoil the poor bloke's day or you XXX ?:)
P:S-Ah 9, couldn't agree more with you.
wahh so lomantic...
go zeh...
Wah... so fast already kiss the corner of the mouth huh? Where is next? Hahaa... =P
I'm feeling so happy for you! Yeah! =)
OMG!!!! Super nice...... Heehee.. i want to go your wedding dinner ah.. heehee.. ok ok i think too far.. :p
can't have used a better word! hehehe...
heyhey, ur dirty brain! muahahah....
lil bro:
i hope for the same start for u, but at least be 21 yrs old when it happens...:)
u are still around! yayyy!!! oyoy...ur blog invaded lah...i want u back!
I knoooowwwww....i'm scared at my own boldness, but then it'll also mean he'll never forget the moment! and neither will I...hehheeh
all in good time...:)
awww that's so sweet.
That is sooooooo shweet lah
It's such a wonderful entry. It's so sweet that I had to read it thrice. Sigh...When will it be my turn?
Just wondering, what made you accept him so quickly? Is it because you were already slightly interested in him before that? ;)
wonderful, wonderful post. love it.:)
fat fingers and Jieqi:
thank u thank u...:) a bit too mushy actually...hehehe...but i not complaining...
desparate addict:
hehehe...actually I've had a crush on him abt 2 yrs ago before he became my fren, so i already knew him before...the rest is just catching up.
thank u for dropping by and leaving a note. :)
OMGOSH! congrats! sometimes a girl's gotta take her own initiative. but i just don't have the guts to. nevertheless, i dont need to,the sight of rv guys makes me wrinkle my delicate nose and go eeeew... work hard and jiayou in ur relationship! teach me how to be this brave man!
btw. I love ur TS theory.and it was yuanjie(ur lil'bro) who introed me to ur blog.
Oh my goodness..... this is so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So envious!!!
can i link this entry in my blog?
This is sooooooo sweeeeeet!!! hiaz ... so envious .... heeeee
You were so brave =)
Happened to have seen your blog through Woof!'s site. This is really one of the loveliest story I've read online. I feel so happy for you! =)
you were in NUS bio dept? Ha think you're my supersenior. im in NUS life sciences ;p
Ohhhhh, makes me want to go and kiss somebody under fireworks too, must be soooo magical! A suggestion for your honeymoon (with A, hopefully!): Disneyland in Summer, lots of fireworks to kiss to! ;)
thanks for dropping by! My bro has been my loyal reader for a while now, i can safely say I've never had a better little sibling. :) easy to be brave! it happens when when u are scared u'll lose the greatest opportunity in your life. it's actually an oxymoron...:)
ms M&M:
ya, of cos! can I have ur link in return? heheheh....
thank u thank u! i also feel very blessed now. :)
kam siah! :)
make that super-duper-great-grand senior...geez...not getting any younger....
wah lau! u think far, gal! but no worries, I think my future son shall be called Alvin...ahem...
I'm sure the walk back after the NDP will be sweet...
Thinking of something nice to say to someone and you ended up speaking at the same time...
this is brilliant. congratulations! :) more girls should be brave, like you! well done.
the walk back was a stupor....hehehe
kam siah!
I'm very late, but still wanna congratulate you all the same, you cant believe how many times i read this entry of yours.. :-)
Hi ya, thanks for dropping by. It's million in- one chance...I'm glad I've got this perfect moment to keep.:)
*Big Grin* 1st base liao... Keep us informed!
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