Debut Finally Out!!! Eagerly Anticipated!

Hi all!
AKK has finally released a singles entitled 'I want my Jih Pa Ban', inclusive of a full length hokkien gwa and a short 5 sec remix. an additional bonus track of 'Vision of Love' originally sung by Mariah Carey is also available in here!
Listen now and be
Commentary, pls listen before any further action.
Privacy protected! Singer is not resposible for any ear heamorrhage, deafness, mutations nor twitching limbs. Listen with caution. Treat your PC/Lappy/iMac with respect. Always know where the 'mute' button is at all times.....
Wahahaa... *fainted*
hey hey! hahah...faint liao ah? actually hor, i forgot to put in the full length version just now, hehehe....ur suffering not so bad...hehehe
So listen to full-length one and faint more worth it is it? kekeke....
I hokkien lang also cannot make myself to sing that song. My Hokkien not up to standard. :)
Hahaha! Kudos to you! I must say your Hokkien is quite good since I didn't know the lyrics beforehand and can make out what you sang.
Thanks for entertaining me on a boring Sunday. Hehehe.
I hokkien also no courage to sing hokkien songs. Sure super lao-kui with my half-past six hokkien.
I actually dreamed that your 2nd voice blog's out 2 nights ago and... OMG
More coming...?
i'll have speakers soon...
i'll have speakers soon...
Haha! I like the blah blah, opps... lol!
I can hear the hoarse-ness in your voice! Actually your hokkien is much clearer than the original version. Maybe I'm just used to the local hokkien accent.
But anyway, good try!! I would never dare to post up one just like that.
More voice blogs!!!
haha.. i will applaud your courage in doing this before i joined li-er in the fainting part...
And i think 9 times not enoough practice for u.. hahaha
*Standing Ovation*
Enocore! Encore!
Tell your brudder mai too liao! Go order the bladdy pizza!!
BTW, for the rest of the blogger folks who are reading this as well...
.. I promised AKK that I won't get this Tomorrowed but she never said if I could ask somebody else to do it.
So somebody, anybody. Get this up to! Mai too liao!! Hur hur hur....
cant believe i sat thru those rehearsals....
and survived......
*LOL** how come so many "blah blah..", "oops" and giggling in the song? haha, but very cute ;)
And must add here, your brother is a gem! ;0
hahah...u sound like u have't heard the full lenght version yet, otherwise u wun be saying such things liao...hahahaha...
hahaha...glad u like it lor...i slave damn hard for this...
wah lau! u dreamt it? so scary! I put it up abt 2 days ago as a draft...
go go!:) ur missing out! hehehhe...
Thank u! it wasn't meant to be like that, hahaha...but no.9 is what my bro is word-perfect tho...hahhaha
you r rite! no.15 is the word-perfect one! heheheh....
*bows* no Tomorrow Nominations hor! but wun get in one lah! sheesh!
lil bro:
I share the pizza with you...but u still buying it...hahahaah...
I know! positively a treasure! And no.9 is one of the worse ones! he chose it on purpose!
OMG OMG!!! Champion!!! I kowtow to you!!!
Ya, ask your brother mai too liao go order the pizza, 241-0-241! I heard all of it and didn't faint at all! I didn't even suffer any internal injury and bleed out my ears!
LI HAI!!!!
Oooo lala oooo lala oooo lala!!!
PA BIAAAAA dunnowhatdunnowhatttt!!
Why suddenly in the middle got blah blah blah blah one?? Is that hokkien or what??
Zhemezheyang chang de. OOPS. HAHAHAAHAHHA!! I AM GOING TO DIE.
ahahahahahaha........this is really ho chio. wa suka!!!! Damm funny. I kowtow to you.
btw does anyone know where to d/l the original version????
She is not kidding when she says don't drink anything while listening... *wipes water off keyboard*
Your giggling sounds soooo cute! wahahah...
hokkien lang! lu sibei 'bar'! :)
then u are one of my iron-ear readers, heheheh....
hehehe....nothing to say man...blah blah meaning i forgot my lyrics! had to memorise, can? u think can just read it off the page? hahhahahah....
cuckoo cake:
wah lau! i kept wanting to sing but the stoopid guitar went on and on! it's one of the worse of the lot, all thanks to my bro, who chose this version..
hiya, pls see the post 'proud to be hokkien' along the sidebar, u'll be directed to the song.:)
er....courage i dun have, that's why no pics, hahahah...but shamelessness aplenty!
haiyah! heng orh! thank goodness i got disclaimer! ehehehe....
Wah lau eh, wa ai ka ler gao yin!
Well done, jolly good show!
seems like the current craze is "Jih Pa Ban"
the hokkien song of my time when everybody u know knows this song is:
"ai pia jia eh yia" (i know, i am old!)
anyway, your efforts are admirable!
Gao Ey Seeh San!
(Dog will rust)...
I let my kid listen to your song and he had a pained expression..wasn't sure why :P Maybe next time i'll force him to listen to it when he misbehaves :P
But really funny lah. many times did you have to listen to the song to get the lyrics right?
gao yin? with me? heheheh....make sure no glass nearby...
thanks! glad u enjoyed it!
i actually heard that before....wah lau! thanks ah!
dogs rust? like so powerful? hehehehe.....thankee.
wah lau! subject your child to me?!! clean his ears! send him see doctor!!!
rehearsed close to 16 times? 9 is one of the worse...
Steady lah! Darn good show...
How was the pizza???
You just made my morning!
Very cutely done! Though not Superstar quality I admit, but very entertaining. Love the giggles at the end! haha..
OMG! i loved that so much!
u shld have ur own hokkien concert!
hey! good job there! btw, ur voice sound like that 933 DJ 巫许马丽
I dun think you can expect anything sophisticated from me ah, unlike your own voice's pretty slapstick, i myself cringe till i went blind, ehehehe....
at least there's something likeable in it, heheeheheh....
wah lau! u sure or not? then my bro's dream of taking over the world might actually happen, hahahaha.......
virgin underground:
ma li? eh....really? she sounds so bad? hehehehe....
actually, it was damn tiring...hehehe....
Wu ah ah... wu ah ah..................Bi bo....... an ambulance is on its way...
Your melodious singing has tattered my protective gear to pieces... i mean i tore them off myself cos they didnt serve their purpose as ur singing is definitely a gem waiting to be uncovered :p
A tremendous effort... bo fish hei ma ho... mai hiam buey pai :p
I hereby challenge u to another effort ==> release a 2nd album. This time the prize isnt just a pizza but a full course dinner. How's that for an incentive.
Are u game enough? :D
P.S. make ur remix a longer one. 5 secs too short leh
wu ah:
li si siang? :)
hehehe, i think i juz hv 2 put down a comment.
i think it's really cool and ur preseverance in the "repeat" lines is really high...hahhaha. the whole office listened to it..luckily its after hours, and they find that it's funny and entertaining....hehhe, putting a smile on! way to go mate!
*3 claps for you*
I didn't faint but had a good laugh, thanks. In need after being tortured by my school work :(
Btw, you've got a sweet voice :)
Nice voice.
Heng ah, my comments didnt cause u to hurl chou ji dan at me LoL
Wa si ho lang, erm si pai lang, mai gia
Wa si jue dui superstar latest addition in the judging panel, bo la
Wa si li eh lao bu eh gia sai, gong seng chio nia, mai gia
Hope the strings of Hokkien didnt leave u baffled as quote u "my Hokkien not that Hok"
So how, r u still contemplating abt that challenge, or r u hanging up the white flag :)
li na si gay gong wei,dui si chu dai ji. ;)
my eardrums just ripped.
hee. i havent listen yet. waiting till friday! can hear the real deal... ;)
WHAH! got so many comments! your site is getting more popular by the day!
btw, I changed my blogspot address liao, its
just so you know...
Goodness! You have been spammed!!
Turn on your word verification thingy. It will help reduce spam comments. I only discovered it a few days ago.
詞: 曲: 原唱:黃一飛
提供者: 李紅真 添加/審核: 李紅真
若是我有一百萬一百萬 我有一百萬 一世人就輕鬆
無講無人知 講到真歹勢 吃甲彼呢大漢 擱不曾坐飛機
打拼彼多年 無車無厝擱無愛人 看人娶某擱做生意
有錢擱有勢 若是我有一百萬 我要坐飛機
我要遊世界HAWAII曬太陽 日本吃壽司
若是我有一百萬 我要買車買厝山珍甲海味
啥人卡福氣來乎我做某 若是我有一百萬 一百萬
若是你有欠用錢 開嘴免客氣 若是我有一百萬
我要坐飛機 我要遊世界 義大利飲咖啡 路邊吃Spaghetti
若是我有一百萬 我要買車買厝買店來收租 閒閒免做工
帶狗去散步 若是我有一百萬 一百萬 若是你有欠用錢 開嘴免客氣
若是我有一百萬 一百萬 十千八千拿去用 免還嘛無問題
若是我有一百萬 一百萬 口白:朋友啊,你想一百萬真多啊!
OMG... *kowtow kowtow*
u're super daring man!!! lol... *kowtow kowtow*
i was laughing throughout the songs... hehe... but u probably sing better than me so no sweat!~ lol
can tell ure super nervous also...;P
interesting! very interesting entry!!!
the whole office? wah lau...*blush*...u better check your office smoke sensor, it's not working if the alarm din go off...
Ah chuan and suspiciousbastard:
kam siah kam's nice how the recorder does make a person sound different...
wu ah: need to take up your offer lah. if i ever do it second time, it's not cos of a steak dinner. I'll do it for eternal entertainment and for myself. :) thanks anyway.
hello? hello?!!! can hear or not?!! heheeheh........heed thy disclaimer for ear protection, hahaha...
er...hehehe....okie lor! i can sing for u again, but no longer funny liao...cos i can remember the lyrics and got no tacky guitar accompanying my voice....
stoopid lah, my bro chose one of the worser rehearsals for your ears...
okie dokie! change liao.:) got speakers yet? why not just use earphones?!!! dun dare to listen issit?!
li-er and acey:
thanks for the concern, I've got the verification now.
kam siah, but my cheena not so chee also....
hehehe...kam siah, the entry has served its purpose if u are entertained!
Can't download liao ah? Damn sad leh...
Today I read the Sunday Times say got free hokkien song to download. But now cannot download liao ah. Newspaper also can "hao siao" one.
Not newspaper hao siao.. they found her site probably weeks or months ago, then now they published.. you know lah, wanna come out in newspaper must gia pai... unfortunately, we came late..
I also want to listen to your hokkien song.. wa ma see hokkien lang.. ka kin upload leh...
hi anon(s), caelix and star_girl,
the songs are gone because the links have expired. originals are in the PC which has crashed...damn shitty, but there u have it. if it comes back up (PC), then good, if not, i apologise. :)
hi all!!!
just in case, u want to listen to the original version, here's the link...
definitely better on the ears.
This is the 1st time I am reading your blog...finds it to be realli funny n I realli like it very much. Wanted very much to listen to your Hokkein song, but somehow when I clicked on your link, I got directed to
Yr blog rocks! rock on :)
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